we are the queens of islam.....
well i was on this website the other day looking for other muslim rap groups..and found this website with loaadzz..yeh i admit sumare bit crappy(lol)..but sum are pretty good..obv no1 beats NATIVE DEEN! every1 ses outlandisha re gud..yeh they are but not as a nasheed gripu..they flippin swear int heir lyrics..i dint use to like 786, but i dunt see wots wrng with them!!sum1 tell me y most dunt realy lik them!!!
anywayss i found sum nice ones....one song called BLUE NILE.its really nice talking about hijaab and how women are treasures for their husbands( if any1 has seen ma msn name ull knw wot im chating on about) and theres another called queens of islam(MPAC)
... ANWAYS im back at scholl 2morw..and looking fwd to seeing pudsey and jamjar!!!!
been soo busy revising(i know im a geek)hahaha...NOT
also been planning with umbro and munchkin wot we gnna do in da holz..we gnna have such a mint timeeee!!WOOOHHOOOO...
BUT ive got like 5 essays to do..ahem yeh yeh iv been to busy revsing man, hant got time for stoopid essays...folks are away so i been cooking!YES we are still alive!!heehee!
womble domble zomblexxxx. watched THE MAN the other night..i recomend those who want a comedy.its a must see.i couldnt stop laughing!!

well my drlin i gta hear dem songssss! i luvvv native deen dont really hear d rest but its all gud! hahaha i wna c dat filmmm comedy movies reminds me of our lil ''scary horror'' movie wich turned out hilarious remember...."nife and forks!" tehehe gud old dayss. well not much 2 plan wiv me not lowed out :( but inshala will b afta ur xamzz! hehe u gta try n send dat song agen if m darn comp decides 2 work until den al jus wach u singin on ur webcam !!! :D hehehe mwahhh xxxxxx munchkinn
hahahha omg yeh i remeber knive anf forks!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA...omg how freaky was that..NOT..nah actualyy u knw u were cryng munchkin coz u were soo scared!!i tried sending the song but ure stoopid como being akward!!haha!yeh anyways wtchng me singing is ten times better..wunt u agree.;)
haha how dare us ay am buggin u ..u***********!!k i dunno wot thats word supposed to be but there!!
lol yepp gnna be soooosad to goooo!!waaaaahhhhhh:'(((
anyhoo al c u 2morw u sporow
hey babes!
i fell in love with that nick...its so cute wot he sed! but u already no that
ur exams will go jus fine! inshallah!!!
(o btw...i did soooo many quizzes from this page n appearantly m hair colour shud b white!lol
huhh??he sed?? the niks froma song darlin by a band!!
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