mercy to the worlds
uurrghhh god my handz reek of flash.....just been working my butt off tidying ther house...mums sis iz cumin down/up dunno which one.....i thin i should advertise in the loot or sumthina s apwersonal slave.......or is that wot all sisters are seen as by there bros....cleanin his car(CAR WASH CAR WASH)...hard job u know......making his food...when theres already food there...or maybe im just too nice to the bliter.
well sharky and co. just left,oh yeah..the monthly talk yesterday i ahve to say to my suprise woz rather inspiring..had tears in my eyes at one point...the title was.A MERCY TO HE it wasnt about me...(astaghfirulla how cud u think such a thing) woz about the prophet(saw)..beautiful storied of his mercifulness..and i wud like to take this opportuiny to share a couple with my dear bloggers..and my one and only bloggy.......
abu bakr(ra)'s father wished to take the shahada and so abu bakr brought him to the prophet who woz sitting where people wud cum to him for advise or to take the shahada....abu bakr's father woz very a few companions helped to walk he woz cuming towards the prophet, the prophet(saw)stood up and said to abu bakr u didnt have to bring him, i wud have cum to the house..Abu Bakr replied 'no this is the way it shud be oh prophet of allah(swt)..wen his father had taken the shahada abu bakr woz crying.the companion sed why r u crying? u shud be happy..abu bakr replied..i am, i just wish it cud have been abu talib instead of my father'.....such a beautiful story ..abu bakr loved the prophet sooo much...he cried because the prophet(saw) cudnt have the contentment that his uncle took the shahada...
i also manages to fit abit of psycho revision into my fully packed day...........ohhhh yeah pudsey came to ym house yesterday and gave me a nice suprise...or shock HORRORĀ¬!!!...whilst i woz int he middle of having half rude i say!!
and mad cow rand this day...probably with sum babbley escuse for not coming to the yms cw camp next sat!!SKIIVVEEEEEERRRR!!.its just a habit that will never leave her.
poot mr.T hez probably killing himself over the fact that she duznt turn up 2 half his lessons!!!!or throwing a party.....
i advise everyone to watch GREEN MILE a rather smashing film i have to say....bringz tears to ones eyes...........such injustices in this world..and they go on and on!
Good-o, me and cherry purchased 'The Green Mile' a couple of weeks ago. I was rather chuffed because i got ID-ed when buying it - never thought i would experience that pleasure but was rather fun to gloat, especially because i aparantly look like a 12 year old.
Will get round to watching it soon on that recommendation anyway.
oi MUNCHKIN speak proper english..none of this wiv stuff the moment i cannot be bothered to amil any1..just been revsing my butt off, so im gnna chill...i feel quite sick!hehgeh year 7..oh well, people think my little(not solittle)bro is older than me..and believe me that is pretty darn annoying...and sum rude imbociles ahve the cheek to think im a year 9 er..wen in damn fact im a year 12er..oh well cest la vie!!!
oh yeah mad cow i wanna borrow pride and prejudice so wen i next see ya?and ill give ya father of the bride in return k....hasta la vista peeps x x x
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