
well i got the offer at salford uni!!alhamdullilah..interview went well!
was absolutely wetting maself before it though!BUT i do still wnna go to man insha allah i gtta work hard...damn
before ma interview, i went on a tour..the biggest waste of time EVER!..and our tour guide......a total freak..a guy with long hair and he cudnt even speak,blingto himself..ANDDDD!!....his trouserss......were below his a***.OMG OMG.i was having a herat attack..i didnt knw where to put ma face, ma mum was like ok ure not coming ehre.LOL..i was laffing ma head off..ahem..LUNATIC!!!
on they day of ma interview and exam i flippin collapsed..coz ive been ill all week..too much stress so ive got a flu now(stress and depression leads to ure immune system niot being as efficient!!)..wake up evry single day with throbbing darn headache!!the amoutn of drugs a gnna become addicted soon....
weel examz are over and im totally drained..cannot possibly do eny work for the next month!!
looking forward to
thnk u sily do i!lol....i swear i was like id rather not see that thnx, seeing ure face is enuf to mke me puke already!hehe....
just need to get the grades!!help!
LOL!!! i thought u meant ankle first, was wondering wat's the big deal, then i reread & realised!!
jst bn reading ur whole blog [i know, v sa,d this is how i spend my end-of-exams] awww v cute. altho ur layout looks all mashed - is it only firefox friendly?
anyway, well done on getting exams outv way & the interview - wat course u going for btw?! cant believ u went for The Enemy and not man uni...
c u sat inshaAllah, ws xXx
err i DID apply for man uni..but was rejected!!!!!!!lol
i realllyyy wanted to go there mets ma nxt option.dnt realy wnna go salfrod
iv applied for psycholgy and councelling studies!mashed??hws it mashed?al af to srt it out.mad cow needs to help me wid dat!
Well done- it was lovely to see ur wombly face again after sooo long. It took me ages to work out what you said here: "weel examz are over and im totally (brained? trained? crained/-no that don't make sense..) before I hit on drained
hehehe..whos sleepyhead??lol..sorry bout my always in arush wen im bloggin..dunt realy have time to chek ma punctuation!!heeehee
man met has gud psy facilities
yeh i did hear it had gud psycho facilties!am goin for an open day soon insha allah..check it out!
hey turn ur word-verification on so u dont get nasty spam comments x
word veruification??how do i do that? can u also tell me how to put a pic on my profile?
go to 'change settings' when u log in to (from your blogger dashboard) and go to Settings> Comments> Show word verification for comments?> Yes
for ur profile pic, go to Dashboard> Edit Profile - and put the url of the pic u want where it says Photograph
i do that but evrytime i type in the says its too long!!!:s
silly thing!!well wen i c one of u lot nxt al mke u do it for me!!lol
save the pic u wanna use for ur profile, then create a new post like u would normally and upload ur picture, as if u're going to post it on ur blog.
but instead of publishing, go to the html view ("edit html"), and copy the blogger url of the pic u've uploaded (the bit that comes after "a href=") paste that into ur profile bit & it shud b fine
yay i gt inn gd gd we alll no u were lukin at d trousers reely! hehe awww baby nt welll? wel least u gta bit o tym 2 rest xxxx babah
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