long-haired tramp from altrincham
salaam admirers of womble! hope all is well, and those who have examz have cum to terms with it!
anyways the day before yesterday me and pudsey were goin dwn to alty to eat after doin a work overload-yeh can u believe it..were doing WORK in our frees!!
well, as i was walking.coming my way was a scruffy lookin' guy,i wasn't realy taking any notice BUT then...as he walked passed me..well he dint walk past he barged passed me(i get the impression it was purposely) and nearly took ma arm off(keep in mind this was a big stoopid guy..compared to tiny me!) and so i let out HUUUHHHHH(like a shocked, that flippin hurt), and NO he dint apologise that fat, stoopid, ******, tramp just carried right on! i was contemplatibg after that he needed a desperate haircut, and a shower(phew he musnt have had one in 5 centuries), so i had to disinfect myself when i got home!!
-aww but a lil old lady shook her head at the tramp in dissaporval so that made me smile:)
anyhoo ams at here waiting for jamjar(like she sed she was gnna meet me) but ohh wait a minute..shes not here..am i suprised...NO!!lol am gnna kill u lata jammmy dunt worry!

I'm sure i sed i'll meet u in the common room coz dats wer i woz goin 2 get sum rec with swallow nd flapjack. had double free woz meant 2 b doin sum revision but i had really bad hayfever (and still do!!!!!!!!) so i fell asleep.
nway am at ur house at da mo...nice game of badminton, I totally thrashed u!!!hahaha....well scary diving down shay lane!!!!had 2 go really fast 2 get dat road over nd done with!!! aaaaaarrrrgghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
soooooooo stuffd from all dat pasta nd u really shud give dat tree a wash....
awwww, i enjoyed our picknic in the middle of the closed road!!haha..i admit it must have luked strange to them pple wlking paseed..but do we care??NO!! and pops did comnt on how weird i am but i already know that!!
oiii jamjar u jamhead!!i thrashed u more like!!!...u flippin kept catching the shuttlecock with ure hand!!u dimwit...heloooo thats wot u use the badminton racket for!!lol its pollen u a*** not dust!!humph! sum pple!
k am off to giddy a's PARTAYYYY!!
salaam womble
LOVE the new layout..that clock is fab!
oooohhhhh.y thankyou!!! isnt it just fabbbbbulosooooo!!thnx to mad cow!heehee..yes im abit incompetent wen it comes to computaz!!anyway me and smash are off to psycho psychology..not that we need it!!okey dokey then..bye bye...womble
Hi everyone,
i just want 2 let u all kno that saara is the biggest gimpiest gooseberry in the whole world...and thats a fact. All u poeople who kno her will obviously kno this. Id like 2 share with u all saaras biggest darkest secret...she is the loch ness monster but she only comes out at nite because shes shy.
Next secret will b posted tomoro at noon!!
muhahahahaha!!!heehee..swalloowwww how could u do this to me??after all ive been thru...telling ma biggest secret to all these pple..EVIL thats wot u ARE pure EVIL!!lol
adios amiga
hello again.
I kno all (2)of LNM's readers hav been waitin 4 ma nxt comment on this absolutely fabulous website. So i am here 2 relieve your angst. Saara is of course a very talented person so it may come as no surprise 2 u that she can not only morph in2 the loch ness monster and wallow in the salty beaches of the loch (the reason y no-one ever cs her is because she borrows harry potters invisibility cloak being a gud friend of his)but her second character is one so famous and so jolly good looking that u will all wet yourselfs when u hear this...literally. Saara is of course...................................................................................................ooh wot suspense.................................................................................................POSTMAN PAT
One of the perks of being postman Pat is that u get a free black and white cat with it. wheyhey. Saara had never been so excited in her whole weedy little life (jus kiddin saara). So as soon as saara wakes up in the moon and places her shiny blue hat on her hollow hed, she climbs into her shiny red van and picks up all the postbags...no wonder the royal mail is going down hill with saara as every postmans role model. Anyways, tomoro when u get the post u will all now that dirty little secret of saaras... that she enjoys puttin things thru letter boxes hahahahahaha. U will be able 2 say 2 urself Mr postman u dont fool me because i kno who u really r.....................................................................
by the way moon was meant 2 b morning but unfortunatley i was myself morphin into a werewolf at the time and cudnt get it off ma mind
muahahahahhahahhaha!!!thas ittt oooohhh just the feeling of posting them letters..gives me such an amzing feelign!!hahahahha!!!but hang on??wheres ma bluming black and white cat..i dunt want stoopid [rince hes horrid!!lol..nah al have marble hes a dude!!
dont diss ma red shiny van..
postman pat, post man pat, postman pat and his blak and white cat...early in the morining..just as day is dawning..blablaawww i loved wtchgn that!!
your so vain watchin urself on tv...i bet u stand 4 hrs in front of a mirror jus admirin n groomin that little blue suit of urs
yehhh..am well fit man!!!AND YOU KNOW ITTTT!!!!
womble(postman pat)..the s**y dude
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