a day in the life of womble

Thursday, December 07, 2006


hey peeps
yeh u thort ud id of me..but no im still here, as alive as ever!!!
actualyy am sat in the library bored outta ma mind after a 2 hour statistics lesson where the guy rambles on at 100 words/second....
waiting for marzipan to show up..so we can doss...i mean work together.lolll
next lecture is at 2 till 4.. and cnt wait!!hehe
BREAKING NEWS: I am to be an aunty for the 2nd time soon insh Allah for, FC is expecting( 3mnths alredy), and the dear little thing is due on Sharky's b'day!!
so insha Allah not long to wait........... Yippeeeeeee!!!!

missing ma little jaffacake ALOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!
miss holding him and eating him, watching him as he looks around ands makes all them noises with his mouth..oh yesss and his crying!!!
will try to go up in the hols!!!insha Allah
k now im bored of bloggin for tody