a day in the life of womble

Saturday, May 28, 2005

just two to goooooooooooooo!

yey! just to more blinking examz to suffer.and just 10 days to learn(consider-learn not revise) everything. i aim to stop using text style language in my blogg.wooohhoooo no more english EVER! however i do feel slightly guilty at the fact that i only ahem..did ahem...3 hours revsion all together for 3 books!ahem!and spent half of my exam sleeping , i mean the flipping invidualator(o rhowever you speel the word) might aswelll have not been there (mrd herd) the toad! there iwas chilling in my english exam lying back in my chair glancing sideways to my friends and laughing, oh yeah and writing a little bit.

skived off to wimmy road after for pudseys birthday-was good but i swear that place is TOO full of pakis..yeah i know i know i am one myself but i mean come on atleast i dont RENT a car, blast the music and ..........sit in the car park...theres just no need for it..for them.

I WEEK exactly till the partaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!soo excitiingggggggggg!

and.................(sorry mad cow but i just cant live without the blinking elipses) insha allah after my darn examinations, i will be teachin the 2 little brats of the guy who owns JOE BLOGGS"! i mean his name was even inspired by my work!so i should get a fare bit oif dosh (£20 an hour isnt too bad)..

i think ive done pretty well avoiding text writing!anyway im goin to go now and do ...nothing!

salaam, and leave me a blinking comment! x x x exams are not an excuse
womble x x x

Saturday, May 21, 2005

a break

sallam all!
ive managed to sneak a quick break in between my heavy hours of solid revision. im learning all about stress and its causes, at the momento. hehe so its pretty relevant, but i have to say my stress levels have decreased rapidly,(no its not due to the fact that my sympathetic nervous system has realeased adrenaline and norandrenaline into my bloodstream and increased my heart rate and reduced my stomach activity) its more due to the fact that my big brother :)) AKA sharky, helped me devise a suprinsingly useful revsion plan!which has resulted in me working more efficiently!

BUUUTTTT, i was a really norty gurl yesterday , i went out for like 6 hours! BUT it was becoz i was being the lovely sister that i am ,and joined THE RAT and my mummy in taking a reasonably tirng trip into preston to go for RATs dress fittings!;) it lux fabuloso!

woohoooooooooooooooo its gonna be one hot summer this year! first the LIVING ISLAM CAMP than on 3rd im off to spain and Morrocco with mi familia(yeppyy deppyy all 8 of us) but unfortunately i wont be here for my birthday just 2 DAYS TOO LATE!!!!!!!! :'(((((

why in gods name is nobody on msn?you losers stop revising and come and speak to me!:)

womble x x x x

Monday, May 16, 2005

1 exam down another..........million to go!

woohhoooo, one exam down! yet another dunoo how many to go!alhamdulillah it went ok! exceptt he second question(14mrks) OOOOPPPPSSSS!
b) in what ways did the 1867 reform act favour the conservatives? what kind of a dmn stoopid question is that, they flippin lost the darn election of 1868( hehe.little geek) so how the hell did it favour them!LOL.

oh well spanish oral tomorow and im gonna die, zees gonna ring me hopefully tonight, and blab on to me in spanish.ARGGHHHH!
well im off to have my breakfast! soo good luck people in ure examz, revise hard and ull be fine....except those of us who dont have brains-or is that just me!oh well
womble x x x

Saturday, May 14, 2005

phhewwww, im still alive after my little battle against the wasps (2 of them)arghh, sum1 with sufficient braincell defficiency must have left the darn windows open.

i was considering giving up myone and only love (blogging) after being insulted by quote(slightly_thick) 'some psycho who reads random peoples bloggs and insults them' but then i thort nah, im not going to break soo many peoples hearts because of one lactose intolerant maniac who desperately needs psychiatric help (come on he finds my blogg boring there must be something wrong with him/her)

anyways, i went to watch KOH last night with mummy pops, and shrek-hmmmmm, is it just me or is o.bloom the most crappest actor ever-he looks like a woman, sounds like a woman and flipping acts like a woman!!i was nearly dying-but other wsie it was quite good, not as good as people made it out to be though(i was pretty dissapointed)

plus, in every film which shows muslims, for some reason they can nevr seem to get our way of prayin right!UUURRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHH!
i know i shouldnt really be watching films considering ive got an exam on monday ( dont worry sodipso has already given me a lecture)hahaha!!!

:''''(, aww yesaterday was sooo sad, it was the year13s last day...and therew ere loaaddzz of tears.but then i thort arghhhhh i still havnnt got rid of mad cow coz im gonna see ehr evrey wednesday atleast till she gallops off to the unknown!

oh and tammy ive heard about ure new look....looking fwd to seeing it for myself!well the next time i see any of you people is probably at rats' wedding partay!wooohhooooo!

womblexxx(is my blogg really that unconscious?)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


ok ok, im here.i just couldnt resist staying away especially after im in great demand!
unlike sum ive been 'busy' revising , becoz my first exam is on monday!argh and its history!

ive just bhad the most uncomfortable lesson ever, weve been kicked out our room by squirty year 11(who happen to be bigger than me):( due to their orals.and ended up in a room which was ike 4m by 4m!

mummy and pops went to watch KINGDOM OF HEAVEN last night. and their review was a possitive one so i HAVE to watch it, thnx to slightly_thick for inviting me!

if you dont hear from me i havent disspeared or jumped out my bedroom window(yet)im busy revsing and so shud YOU be!

oh yeah another film i reccomend is THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS such a beautiful film the last 15mins had me in tears!and the sountrack is the best ever(im addicted to it).
sabado youre my hunny bun, sugar plum, pumky umkpy umpkin, ure my sweetie pie..bla bla bla.hah ive recorede it sadly on my mp3!LOVE IT!sooooooo cute!

ok well i think ill go now, pray for me peeps in my exams and ill pray for you tooooooo insha allah!woooohhoooooo im going to ALTON TOWERS(for the 1st time ever)hehe , prepare ure self mad cow, when i scream i SCREEEAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMM!actually that remind me i feel like sum ice cream!yummmyyy!

(and just for tammy)..................................................(and mad cow)...................................................................................................hehe.womblexxx

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

the laughing cow

got nothing better to do so i might as well blogg,ive got a fre(thats 3 already today) becoz my dear poor spanish teacher has taken ill.oohhh what a pity.

so saw marzipan yday after too long-at this mp thngy at the local mosque.it was pretty interasante actualmente.it was getting rather heated and i was like FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
went back to marzipans crib..and ive never laffed so much-about laffing.marzipan was taking the mickey out of how i USED TO laff(like a donkey)hehe.:)))))

i just thort how do we still laff when we know weve got examz in 2 WEEKS!its weird, even though we go thru so many difficulties in life and so many trials, we still have the time tom laff(thats my thort for the day)

need to get stuck into my revision, becoz after failing to read the q uestion on my history essay properly and doing the wrong thing, i gave up doing any more:(..dunno why but ive got this feeling that IM GONNA FAIL!:'''''''(

the rat(please dont bite my head off mad cow)is counting the days till her BIG DAY!(so am i)haha.

a bout 2months till LIVING ISLAM IM EXTREMELY EXCITED!WOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!its gonna be amazing(insha allah)
gonna see peeps i hvnt seen in toooooo long(fatty, and cnt b bothered mentioning evry1 else)

sabado pleaaseeee try and come, and you too pudsey!

arghhh ive got 40 minutes left till HOME TIME!lol
got nothing to do!
hasta luego

Monday, May 02, 2005

the skies have opened.......

aarrghhhh its raining, (its pouring the old man was snoring, hre bumped his head on the back of the bed and he couldnt get up in the morning)hehe.

im not too happy at the moment-firstly my computer is annoying the hell out of me with these sstttooppiiddddddddddddddddddd pop-ups.AARGGHHH!
secondly, its started to pour down, and the sun aint shing no more
thirdly i was writing a history essay for like an hour only to realise id written about the wrong thng, so ive got a darn head ache.and ive still got another 30mrk essay to wrte for tomarrow.im gnna crryyyyyyy:''''''(((((((((((((((((((((

PLUS, nobody has been leaving any comments you evil people now youll know y i ignore you the next time you speak to me.

haha, was home alone yesterday as i got out of going to bradistan!lol, must've broken their dear little(and i mean little)hearts!

mwah-that was for sabado, love you loads.

need to ringmarzipan later to see if i going to her crib(helpppp)

i watched the jackal last night, its a rather good film, all CRASH BANG WALLOP!my sort of film....and romantic ones that make me cryyyyyyy.

omg i need to watch kingdom of heaven so anyone going to watch it you better invite me or youll be dealing with ......ME!

adios you fools