a day in the life of womble

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

eventful holiday!!

where do i start?....
k so friday i was pulled out of college coz ma mum had an exec meeting in markfield(leciester) at blumin 11 o'clock!! so i sat there till 5 o'cock in the same seat reading my book!oh yeh and running backwards and forwars for tea and milk!!
oh yeh and FC was taking the mick outa me coz i was sent to get milk from the kitchen and the guy there was freaking me out, i was thning ok lemme go plzzzz, coz he kept asking met ones of qs, then as i was about to run off, he goes ill take u the back way!!i was about to cryyy!!!!lol.....

anyhoo then came the camp at that place( forgot the name) but had a really amazing time, talks were sooo good!and all the manchester lot( well all 4 of us) sittin on the top bunks and chattin away to the brummies! was funny! and sleepy and fudge whatever was said dunt go beyond us!!lololololol!!!
oh yeh i cant forget the sports!!hahahaha well done fudge¬!!very ermmm.different..there we were marching around the fields..left-right-left-right-left-right!!hahahah

and tiggggg...I WONNNN!!!!....THEN COULDNT BREATHE!! then sunday we left for manchester, got there for around 4, then had 2 hours to pack for dundee...pops and mummy took me, gotta admit when pops took me and was waving i had to stop maself from crying!!:'(

having a great time here, pops and mummy ring every hour, heehee!!missing me too much!
done shopping, watxhed final destination 3( was freakyy) i was getting realy stressed.lol.going to watch big mammas house 2 tonight,and goin to the LOCH(highest place in dundeee) for a visit...then AA gonna let me drive the car for abit...ahem...round a carpark!!hehee..

oh andddd if you ever wanna buy a board game..buy CLUEDO!! ITS soooooooo funnnn!!! we play it like ten times a day..its realyy good..but u have to think quite alot..so for sum of ya...im not quite sure!!
k im gnna go..oh and ill leave u afew links...click on them and laff ure A***s off!!

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4532245984549289375 ( curry'n' rice gurl)


http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6739710473912337648( chinx2)

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2477187138113831381&q=shakira( fat chink)

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3689560270595414198( how2 dance liek a white guy)

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4807397690444864476&q=bollywood( bollywood comedy)


Monday, February 13, 2006

Radical middle way...

salaam, I attended the radical middle way talk yday with Sheik hamza yusuf and Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah.the start was really slow, was in the queue for an hour( not rue fault pink pistol)lololol. time went a bit quicker when slightly_silly and jamjar bullied me!!:'(
me and jam jar nearly had a heart attack when we found out we had different doors, it didn't occur to us at first that our seats were still next to each other..So I was freaking out...And asking the stewards why the hell we weren't together..Then something clicked in my little head..I was like hang on so whats our seat numbers, isn't it G20 AND G21..They were like yeh I think I was like so we must be together...duuuhhhh!heehee
i also nearly had heart failure when the sheik started speaking in Arabic..I was thinking..Ahem am I supposed to understand this..yeh like a couple of words hehe...
alhamdullillah there was a good turn out..Was nice to see pple I hadn't seen for ageeesss..
awwwwwwwwww and my little marzipan turned up and gave me the shock of ma life!!hahaha.mwah Love ya...
silly jamjar told her mum to pick us up at 9!!lol so of she went and me and marzipan were stuck hitching a lift...De ja vous for like the 10th time hey marzipan!!hahahaha....
was good though..Good talk..

oh yeh GOOD NEWS PEOPLE: FC is expecting!!.wooohoooooo!!Am gonna be an aunty(arghhh I cringe at the word) I wanna be an aunty but h8 being called it..ill thank of an alternative..I don't feel old enuff yet!!
OMG OMG im sooooooooooo excited.cant wait to have a babyyyyy in da house!!heehee.am gonna spoil it sooo much!!cant wait!!

Friday, February 10, 2006


check this website if ure bored or feelin a bit sick in the head ..like me!

ive watched nearly all of the episodes..sooo funny...weird but i like them!!heehee
i knw munchkin's a big fan toooo!!heeheee

HAVE FUN!!lllaaalalllaallalalalalllaaaa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sick people draw offending pictures of our prophet (pbuh)

salaam, am sure uve all heard recently about the sick and disturbing pictured produced by a Danish newspaper of the prophet(saw).These pictures depict the prophet (pbuh) as a terrorist and all other Muslims too!
and people have tried to justify them with saying " they should have the right to freedom of speech"..OK..So why is it that when recently someone who disagreed with homosexually..They didn't insult it just disagreed.. afew day later they had a knock at the door from the police, also why is it that if any offending pictured of Jews were published..Say with a a Nazi flag..There would be a massive uproar not just from the Jews..It would be classed as anti-semetism.

this is not freedom of speech..This is pure insult, the editor went out of his way to offend Muslims and portray us and ur beloved prophet(saw) as terrorists!
pictures of the prophet(saw) have been published many time by Muslims in the past, and this was extremely wrong..Even European countries have done so..But this time they have insulted him!They have crossed the line!

we love the prophet(saw) more then anything, anyone...This insult should make us angry and upset..BUT!!...

there is no need for Muslims all over the world to do what they are doing now!They have fallen into trap of the media and the BNP!! This is a great opportunity for them to get at Muslims, why are we being do dumb and ignorant to see this?

this should be an opportunity for Muslims to show the ignorant(Muslims included) what the character of the prophet was really like...Instead we are behaving like hypocrites and insulting others by burning and destroying churches..This IS NOT the way of the prophet(saw), he didn't ask us to kill or die for him, he never avenges those who attacked him, so why should we instead he showed love and forgiveness towards those who hurt him!

> when the prophet went thru Taeef to spread Islam, he came out bleeding from head to toe because people stoned him, and the angel came to him and said
" oh prophet of Allah, if u order me I will bring together 2 mountains and crush these people"
the prophet replied.."No, for from these people may come generations who follow Islam"
he didn't say yes kill them, behead them, break their statues!!!
if we love the prophet(pub) we should follow his example!

the issue of boycotting

I personally don't thnk we should boycott. Think of all those innocent people who will lose their jobs, and then what will they think of us Muslims!!Plus we have to think about the Muslims in Denmark, they know their people best and how to best deal with them, we should leave it to them as they requested!!Boycotting and withdrawing will isolate out Muslims in Denmark and make them more vulnerable!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

either one or the other....

who watched that gay muslims programme on BBC last week....i didnt watch it..but everyones chatin bout it...thning is the actual name gay muslim is a paradox..u cant be both....ure wither gay(kaafir) or muslim(straight)...
throughout the Quran it talks about relationships between MAN and WOMAN....NOT..MAN AND MAN!!
people just try to change what the quran says to fit them..if u have common sense the rules are pretty straight forward..it realy isnt that complicated..
man and woman=normal
islam isnt a pick and choose religion...u either take all or nothing!simple!

The Quran declares that men and women are equal in the eyes of God; man and woman were created to be equal parts of a pair (51:49) . The Quran describes the relationship between men and women as one of "love and mercy" (30:21) . Men and women are to be like "members of one another" (3:195), like each other's garment (2:187):

>notice not MAN and MAN/WOMAN and WOMAN<


.....anyhow..back to normality...need to ring up man met and ask y the hell they didnt accept me for psychology!!oh well theyll regret it when they have to come to me for psychiatric help!!
had such a doss yday...got home and wtched tv nealry all evening..did ma homewrk too though..i watched SENSE AND SENSIBILITY, bit of holby city, tyra banks show(she is soo fake),paul mckenna makes you thin(its all psychological), and project catwalk(realy good programme..more of a gurls thng!)...
booked my nxt drivng lesson, gonna do 2 hrs a week and just get it over and done with!!i NEED to drive!
i also wanna wtch that film munich...wnna see what its all about...


better be off now-take care all