a day in the life of womble

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sick people draw offending pictures of our prophet (pbuh)

salaam, am sure uve all heard recently about the sick and disturbing pictured produced by a Danish newspaper of the prophet(saw).These pictures depict the prophet (pbuh) as a terrorist and all other Muslims too!
and people have tried to justify them with saying " they should have the right to freedom of speech"..OK..So why is it that when recently someone who disagreed with homosexually..They didn't insult it just disagreed.. afew day later they had a knock at the door from the police, also why is it that if any offending pictured of Jews were published..Say with a a Nazi flag..There would be a massive uproar not just from the Jews..It would be classed as anti-semetism.

this is not freedom of speech..This is pure insult, the editor went out of his way to offend Muslims and portray us and ur beloved prophet(saw) as terrorists!
pictures of the prophet(saw) have been published many time by Muslims in the past, and this was extremely wrong..Even European countries have done so..But this time they have insulted him!They have crossed the line!

we love the prophet(saw) more then anything, anyone...This insult should make us angry and upset..BUT!!...

there is no need for Muslims all over the world to do what they are doing now!They have fallen into trap of the media and the BNP!! This is a great opportunity for them to get at Muslims, why are we being do dumb and ignorant to see this?

this should be an opportunity for Muslims to show the ignorant(Muslims included) what the character of the prophet was really like...Instead we are behaving like hypocrites and insulting others by burning and destroying churches..This IS NOT the way of the prophet(saw), he didn't ask us to kill or die for him, he never avenges those who attacked him, so why should we instead he showed love and forgiveness towards those who hurt him!

> when the prophet went thru Taeef to spread Islam, he came out bleeding from head to toe because people stoned him, and the angel came to him and said
" oh prophet of Allah, if u order me I will bring together 2 mountains and crush these people"
the prophet replied.."No, for from these people may come generations who follow Islam"
he didn't say yes kill them, behead them, break their statues!!!
if we love the prophet(pub) we should follow his example!

the issue of boycotting

I personally don't thnk we should boycott. Think of all those innocent people who will lose their jobs, and then what will they think of us Muslims!!Plus we have to think about the Muslims in Denmark, they know their people best and how to best deal with them, we should leave it to them as they requested!!Boycotting and withdrawing will isolate out Muslims in Denmark and make them more vulnerable!!


At 11:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the drug dealer dressed as a suicide bomber during the demonstrations?

At 11:12 am, Blogger womble said...

hahah..TRAMP!!!makes me sick he isnt even a flippin practising muslim..just sime random ignorant dosser!

At 11:20 am, Blogger womble said...

omg pink pistol that profile pic thng..i still cant do it!!!!!urghhhh...
its drivng me nutss!!

At 10:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that thing about the suposed drug dealer was blown well out of proportion! But he still was STUPID for doing it

At 9:13 am, Blogger womble said...

yeh maybe. i didnt hear much bout it, just saw bit bout it in the news.

At 10:47 am, Blogger womble said...

uurgghhh, who is anon? atleast gimme a clueeeeeee!!(tking into account im pretty slow!!)

At 10:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey womble got an unexpected free agen!!!mr browns not in!!!nway i agree boycottin isnt a great idea. and the whole thing about the drug dealer wot r ppl doin!!!!
cant get over flippin cold it is!!! and its always on da day i dont hav ma coat!and 'anonymous' i fink womble really wants 2 no who u r she's gettin abit freakd out finks she's beeing stalkd.

At 11:29 am, Blogger womble said...

heehee, yeh anon...its givin me nightmarez!!lol
awwwww im well ahppy wev had afew frees together jammy!!mwah...since others are too busy(evn tho apparently wev only got 3 mnths left)...lol...cya on sundayyyyy my love!!heehee

At 11:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well it now appears you have two stalkers. I didnt do the first comment on here. i did the second anon comment the fourth one. i am now anon 1

At 1:39 am, Blogger Pink said...

lol, i know how u feel womble, im seriously considering banning annoymous comments on my blog, bt that means lots of ppl wont b able to comment as u'd have to be a blogger user. altho all the impt ppl in my life have blogger accounts so s'all good!

i'll show u how to sort the profile pic at nxt usrah inshaAllah, speaking of which - do we have one this mon??! i feel like i've have flu for a century, i dunno what's happened to the world this past month...

interesting pt u made abt boycotting. i dunno if i agree, but its certainly a valid angle to consider...

and anything HT-organised was bound to blow up in our faces. i know mcb are trying to show how it 'should' be done by the march this wkend, but i can really see it going pear-shaped wt HT hijackers and watnot. did anyone hear the outrageous stuff they were actually saying as their procession chant?? - something like 'defend God, enemies of the Prophet(saw) will burn in hell' *shakes head in dismay*

see u sun inshaAllah! i have to b there at 11am! :( *yawn*


At 8:40 am, Blogger womble said...

aarghhhhhhhhh....im goona die...thyre gnna cum in to ma rum wen am sleeping and stab me!!!nooooooo.lol
p.s the more the merrier

At 8:47 am, Blogger womble said...

can i just ask u a question anon 1 or the other....do i knw u?

At 5:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, the person who posted the first message, know you slightly, and am not a stalker. The other person it appears is. How nice.

At 9:34 am, Blogger womble said...

lol yes indeed..i can texpalin the feeling wen u find outuve got a stalker!!hahaha
soooo how do u kn me anon?heyheyhey??

At 11:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the one who wrote the second anonymous message on here. I am not a stalker other anon is

At 11:50 am, Blogger womble said...

urghhhhh...goo away u meanies!!!


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