bradfoorddddd a.k.a. bradistan

awww i miss bradford(my hommeeee), miss being able to walk anywhere feeling sooo safe!oh well..stleast in still got ma roots there..yeh i knw am such a paki!!haha..well if u lived in stuck-up altrincham ud understand!!COCONUTS!!
anyhoooo....its suchhh a butiful day 2day, so gnna go catch sum sun!!however hope i dnt get eaten by the hprrid bumble bees..ohh they scareme sooo much
salaam womble
ehehe i missd it! dammit evry1 tlkin bout it ah wel big up 2 bradistan ;) loolol tc sweety babz xxxx hommeeee!!innit innit man big up braddddforddddd..we love it dunt weeee
yeh i agree totally with u! no way should we stand bt whilst these sick racist drunk yobs attack us...BUT being like them and being violent isnt in my opinion the best way to go about it!i can understnd them youth losing theire temper(to a certen extent) alsoo i thnk the jail sentence give to that guy(5byears) for thrwing afew bricks is absolutely digusting(not that thrwing the bricks was right!)
we should all respect each other!
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