chemical reunions and summer days
omgomg...tuesday was a crazi hazi day! lemme begin round 4 years ago in year ten in chemistry..hehehee u knw what am on about pudsey and jamjar(k this is embarassing) but anyhoo..we had a teacher..a male am just gnna say it..i had a massive crush on him( extremely embarrassed face) id sit at the front daydreaming..he thort i was bonkers!!lol..anyway pudsey and jamjar know what it was like!!but then he left half way thru year 10:'''(YES i cried!!LOLLLLLLLLL
anyway..he became history, i was getting on with my life..then POP alomost like that chemical when its put in water !lol dunno wat its called...he pops back into mylife..on tuesday...the weird thing is he walked right passed me and i took no notice as i dint realy look at him..but then pudsey comes bargin up behind me screaming..GUESS WHO IV JUST SEENN.OMG OMGOMG!lol
yes my heart went..THUD THUD!!looll..but to clear things out i dont still have a crush on the was just mental coz i never expected to see him in mylife again!!
ANYWAYYSS...moving on very swftly...these summer days are soooo butiful..but the darn thing is these BL***Y buzzing bees(alliteration =emphasis)hahahaha.....esp. the hoverring ones they just hover in the air waiting to atack you..the evil there i am screaming and jumping every time anything moves!!lol......
im off
and jamjar or pudsey dont u dare be horrid u were on tuesday in
womble dromble komble
hahahaha awwwww n ewwww lmao yeppy thnx 4 sharing ur grand moments of memories!!! hehehehe ;) yeeppy wasps n bees r eevrywherr but wethr is gawjusss mashla hehe excellent alliteration (wow english is improving 4rm b4) hehehehe lmao luv ya wombly trombly kombly drombly
stoopif fat hairy massive ugly bumble jumble frumble could it possibly nna harm little innocent for pudsey i can see y it wnted to hurt her!!hahahahha..aww just kiddin muwah c u 2morw hun
wombley jombley...yesss ua re going to die 2morw so ask ure mum to prepare a funeral service..suchhhhh a coincidnce memebe we went up to him and sed hi..rude person just mumbled..oaf!!haha
Honestly...learning SO much about you womble!
omg im sooo embarassed..ssshhhhh quiet dont tell any1!!hehehehehe
awww missing u fudgey!!hope ur doin well!!
wen u back to reality(manchester) anytime soon?
womble jomble bomble
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