were all goin on a ..paki holiday
omgomg guess where am going this summrer..................PAKISTANNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!hahahahhaa..no seriously, i ahvnt been for 14 years!!goin with ma cuzins so shud be funnnnn!!
its gnna be scorrchinnngggg!!!oh welll will tell u more info wen i get it
oh yeh any1 up for givng me punjaabi tutoring!!!hehehe

pakistan zindabad..yeh am bored wtng to go into ma dmn exam!!!which am sooo eager to do!!
"they're taking the womble to paki-land... to pakiland, to pakiland... what did you say? stupid fat womble!"
yes the song's still in my head...
sorry u aint stupid or fat, but nothing else goes in the context...
my exams are all over alhamdulillah!! how're yours going?
thought i'd finally see u at usrah but it's cancelled - and i still dont know who hanna is?!
ws xXx
hahahahahhaha..shes that tall woman!!with glasses!!hehe
oiii am not a fat womble!!:'(
hmm examz are goin crappy!lol got sum random 3 hr critical thnking wase of tme exam inbout 1 hour!!!lol
aww am glad ur exams are over!hw did they go??lllllooolll hw can eny1 get that sng outa theire heds??heeheeelol paki-land..they certainly are tking me there!!!
omg yeh critters!!!wot the arse was that about??haha
U my tutor, i wnna lern punjaabi, not gobbledigooch!!muahahahhaha..bathhameez
tum hum, hum tum...rhymes!!!
aab kya haal he?
urghhh it wnt post ma comnet darn thng
good luck in pakistan!
make sure you take a lot of suntan lotion and insect repellent!!
hehehe..thnx for that mad cow!!
yeh am scred now coz thers gnna be ghekos and snakes probably too!!!yikes!!!its nice to have u back to reality!hehe...
dunno if any1 nor=ticed but that evil penguin video dissapeared, but if u scrolll dwn..hes back!!hehehehe
so when exactly are u going womble? i need to see you before you go!
i thk am gnna cryyyyyy...i mite miss saimas ans sobias weddng..i wnna dieeeeeeeeeeee!!!!Y dus this happen to me..what have ji dunnnn...i go on 7th...waaaaahhhhhhhhh:'(
helppp meee
can any1 guess what am lisenig to>????...........gard...what did u say?? lalalalalalalala ..lalalalalalalalala
:-o u goin pakilandd wiv catt? lmaoo aww bby i wna gooo0ooo not beeenn! well ders our summer fun dwn d drain
:( neva mind hpe ur xamz r goin fyn tc hun
oi brat dun thnk u egtng away with it that easiyl.am only goin for 2 week.im on hol fot like 3 mnths!muahahahahhaa..i need sum chearng up too!!muwah
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