DIMY is so silly
when i thnk about it, the lafter killz me
buzz buzz buzz like an annoying bee
that u just wnna squash on a tree
then woohhooo we'll be free
of that nutter called dimmy
he thinks he can sing
bt it smahes dwn evry building.
he lyks 2 dance
bt luk lyk he gt ants in his pants.
dimy is very sad
and at the sme tym absolutely mad
but he thnx hes bad
his poor poor mum and dad
wen he returns to the mental institution theyl be glad
he thinks hes cool
bt we all no he gt beet up at skul.
he gt a bit neglected,
dat wen it cme 2 games he was neva selected.
poor old dimmy hu has no lyf,
its kinda sad since he evn has no wyf!
dimmy is a nutter
he thnx hes tuff
but his hands are like butter
wen hes squared up by a kid he stutters
then gets beat dwn to the gutter
dimmy lucks lyk tarzan
he thnx were all his fanz
but reall were the diss dimmy clan
his best m8 is dan
dimmy thnx hes a man
but realy hes a womAN!!

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thats realy funny!hw long did it take u 2 wryt that?!thanx 4 brightening my day!
muahahaha u knw what am on about umbro..and u too munchkin and mj!!heheheh tite but...tru!!
i love u all to bitsxx
cat stevens song morning has broken is butiful.lisieng to it now..so peaceful.did any1 atch that prograame on him the other day? was realyy good
u absolute freak of nature.lol
nwayzz das well gud news bout ur sis. howz revision goin i got math in 2 days!!!no dont watch dat programme but been watchin da football 4 sum reason recently am actually dat bored...
c u at generalstuds
if only u knew dimmy!!!
anyhoo good luck in ur maths u nutter..i got spanish oral tomorw and im gonna cry, then i got ma 3 resits on wednesday..hw crap is that!!!! anyhoo u mathz freak..omg cannot be btherd wth gen stdies..such a wste of ma precious time!!hhehe
oooppsss revision..ahem
'ello chuck. no idea who dimmy is but seems exams bring out the poet in all of us!
anywayz, i probs wont get to see u before i leave for hols & not sure when u're goin pakiland, so...
take good care of yourself... make plenty du'a for all of us when u're on the plane & all... eat carefully & make sure u don't get dihorrea (coz u're too skinny as it is & u'll waste away into thin air)... watch ur backside & punch anyone who tries to pinch it... practice ur punjabi or keep ur mouth shut so u don't get ripped off... and look forward to seeing u with a nice brown tan before i move to london inshaAllah!
when's mj's baby due btw??? scary stuff man! erm, mashaAllah and all that of course ;)
alritey, take care, much love & du'as,
ws xXx
'watch ur backside...hahahahhahahahha'..lolllll eewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!ill dmn ke sure that dunt happennnn!!
im goin gon 6th till the 21st
mjs baby is due on 21st october!arhh cnt wait
where is u goin for holz?
and im nott skinny at all.im fat!!..but dnt care at the mo that can wait till after the examz.gthe its ro the gym evryday-yeh right
Mj here.My wee baby is due in october insha'allah...all make dua please.
Pink....it isnt scary believe me its amazing....ull know one day insha'allah ;)
now the dimmy poem...class....didnt know my own sis was capable of such words!
will be in Mcr soon iA...so hope to see as many of u as i can.
ws MJ
salaam MJ!
yeh u learn new things evryday!!
had ma spnaish resits..alhamdulillah i thnk they went ok!..
ive got my history resit at 3:15...im bored
iA see u on monday...
womble fromble tromblexxx
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