scaredy cat scaredy y the hell u watching that?
im absolutely petrified of the dark!!! really really h8 wen ma lil bratty bro closes the door and turns off the light, u can just imagine how LOUUUDDD i SCREAMMMM!
lol anyways this post is all about how im a scaredy bedroom used to be dwnstairs in the house and the wndow lux out onto an alley way thngy...i used to wet ma=self at night adn just lay there or sit there lisening to the noises and strng at ma wndow..hahaha then id go into ma prnts room and hop into the bed!!
anyway im chatng bout this coz i wtched a film called salems lot last night and the night before..and ahem when i finshed wtchng it i was s*** scared!(sorry could thnk of any other way to say hw scred i was)...and ma stoopid lil bro was tking ages to go upstairs(obv i was gnna mke him go frst) wen i gto to ma rum the bludy wndw was open wasnt it..this was at like 1 in the dwn i went to get pops to close it!!heheehee..but its a godd film!!
im weird i wtch the most freakiets films ever..then after i suffer the consequences yet i still caryy on mum was like u shudnt watch them then.ur mins to delicate i was like huhhh!!!lolll
i even have to wake ma barry brother up in middle of night to come dwnstairs with me, so i can get a drink of watrer.hahaha..slavery"!!!!!muahahhaha
well anyway afetr seein g
this pik u may understnd y i was wetting maself(..ahem..not literally)

muahahahaha..hope u all have nightmares!!!!
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